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If you believe a licensed provider of this office has conducted themselves in a manner that violates a state or federal law, HIPAA, or any ethical or licensing standard. We ask that you email our legal department to file a complaint at


You may contact your insurance company to file a complaint with any of the insurance agencies your provider is under contract with

below that you are a member of toll free:


      Tricare                                    Aetna                                                        Optum                                    Humana Military

  1-877-363-1303                    1-800-245-5380 (or)                           1-888-445-8745                    1-800-444-5445




      Superior Ins                         Cigna                                                        Magellan Health                  BlueCross BlueShield

   1-800-252-8263                  1-877-653-0331                                    1-800-788-4005                   1-888-657-6061



       Baylor Scott & White         Ambetter                                                 MultiPlan                               TMHP

    1-866-218-6919                    1-877-461-2130                                     1-800-950-7040                  1-800-925-9126



Additionally, the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council and Texas Department of Insurance investigates and prosecutes professional misconduct by licensed professionals. Although not every complaint against or dispute with a licensee involves professional, ethical, or legal misconduct, these agencies will provide you with information about how to file a complaint:



Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council                                                                                                                       Texas Department of Insurance 

333 Guadalupe Street, Tower 3, Room 900                                                                                                                             Toll Free: 1-800-252-3439

Austin, Texas  78701

Toll Free: 1-800-821-3205


*This notice can also be found onsite in any of our client waiting areas*

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